No, not me, silly. One of my cats! I am attempting to train Elphaba in the path of the righteous - which leads to the scratching post, natch, not the sides of the chairs and couch. In order to do this, I liberally sprinkled said post with catnip.
She is much more affectionate when she is stoned out of her little kitty mind. So when you add drug use to her constant mewling to go outside (we haven't gotten her spayed yet, and she's totally in heat) - I think you have what's wrong with America, embodied right here in that gosh-durned feline! [/moral majority] Elphaba, Dr. Dobson waiting on line 2 ...
Part II: I should have been doing my transcription assignment ...
The thing is, Chopin's got some bad habits of crossing things out in his manuscripts. And writing without key signatures. Or time signatures. Or a sense of order ... well, I'm exaggerating a bit. The man was a genius, after all.
Here's his genius mug:

And here's what I drew, after an hour or two of wrangling with a sketch of one of his Nocturnes.
Yeah, his clothes are probably a bit out of date. Sue me.
Part III: Happy Days ...
So this past Tuesday was ... my birthday! Woo hoo! I actually had a lovely time, because I got to attend two little birthday get-togethers - one with fellow grad students (a friendly bunch) and one with two friends from Grand Rapids and a cake that felt like ten pounds of chocolate-y goodness. Add that to the surprise visit from L. and M. (hat tip to comments!) and then add some nice gifts and cards, and phone calls from friends, and you get a ridiculously happy (and a bit overwhelmed) yours truly. Good times, and happy days!
We now return you to your regularly scheduled transcription.
1 comment:
loved the sketch and reading about your adventures!
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